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Customer Survey 2021 and Competition

We are always looking for ways to improve our product and service so we recently sent out a short customer feedback survey. Thanks to everyone who took part!

Although much of the data is for internal use we are happy to share the results of some key questions below. 

Survey Results

How satisfied are you with uSkinned?

88.3% of users selected 8 or more out of 10.

With 26% of all users scoring uSkinned for Umbraco 10 out of 10.

How satisfied are you with the uSkinned support team?

87.2% of users selected 8 or more out of 10.

With 40.4% of all users scoring our support team as 10 out of 10.

Would you recommend uSkinned?

We are delighted to say that a whopping 100% of users said YES they would recommend uSkinned for Umbraco.

100% of users surveyed would recommend uSkinned for Umbraco.


As a thank you for taking part in the survey we were offering a prize of 2x uSkinned Site Builder licenses worth £478. Once we compiled all entries the winner was chose at random and we are delighted to announce that the winner is...

Kenan Opankovic from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Congratulations!

In his own words, here is what Kenan had to say about winning:

I am a software developer from Bosnia and Herzegovina who specializes in backend programming. My first real experience with Umbraco was using uSkinned templates a couple of years ago. That actually helped me learn a lot about what is happening behind the scenes. The timing of this gift could not be more perfect, my brother is starting his own company and he needs a website, so I am pretty excited to see what has changed over these past couple of years in the Umbraco world :)

We can't wait to see your websites!


About the author

Paul Daly

I am a co-founder and the Creative Lead at uSkinned. It's my responsibility to lead the design and frontend coding efforts for all of our products as well as across each team, including Marketing, Branding, Content and Support.

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Step 1

Sign up

Start a free trial of Site Builder.

Step 2


Tailor the look and feel with the Visual Designer to suit your brand.

Step 3


Add content with built-in eCommerce and third-party integrations.

Step 4

Go Live

You can host on Azure with us or choose your own with the self-hosted license.